Our long standing network offers a wide area of experience in different fields of web-technologies and Python programming
Enterprise CMS
Our core competence! Concept, UI/UX design, databases, security, deployment, high availability, performance tuning.
The most secure Enterprise CMS for sustainable web-portals and internal communication platforms.
We are native Plone speakers.
We develop tailor-made web application solutions: Backends for mobile apps, web-APIs, JSON, REST or SPAs and more.
Our strategic language, which we speak fluently. It enables short development cycles for our customers’ success.
The robust and highly flexible framework for web-apps. Its minimal “pay-only-for-what-you-eat” approach integrates perfectly in heterogeneous environments.
Running in browser or as smartphone app - frameworks such as AngularJS and KIVY, allows us to cover a wide variety of use-cases.