This was the Buschenschanksprint 2012!

The wineyard with the hut.
The Buschenschanksprint began with an introduction to the new (not online now), a complete rewrite of a social community site for Graz based on Plone. One of the key technologies of the new are dynamic dexterity behaviors per content object, event integration based on, a simple but powerful rich text editor based on WYSIHTML5 with direct integration and forms based on YAFOWIL. YAFOWIL itself - BlueDynamics's Yet Another FOrm WIdget Library - was then this year's biggest focus at the Buschenschanksprint. We integrated Twitter's Bootstrap library, created a YAFOWIL demo project (online in some time soon), and integrated many new widgets. We have now XING's great WYSIHTML5 editor and the the Aloha editor integrated as well as some nice jQuery based multiselect and autosuggest widgets. More still to come, like the great jQuery File Upload widget! Robert and Dorian created a YAFOWIL integration layer for Flask respectively Werkzeug and Jens created a nice Logo. Gogo finished his GoPantsPockets package, a search integration which gets it's results from different sources via XML-RPC. He uses it to collect search results from different Plone instances (which are Plone 4 as well as Plone 3 and Plone 2.5 instances). Roland was taking up some work on, which might become a important part of one of his upcoming projects. Ibi, who joined at the weekend was working on Kotti snippets for the Kotti CMS. Kotti snippets are comparable to Shortcodes in Wordpress or macros in MoinMoin. Little code blocks wich are replaced by some templates when rendered - for example [gallery] would be replaced with a photo gallery. Michael Haubenwallner, who runs the - a Zope based cultural event calendar - came for a short visit and discussion on Tuesday. Florian Apolloner from the Python User Group in Graz and part of the development team joined us on Wednesday during the day.

Coding in the hut.
Besides of the work, we had a good time and enjoyed local specialities and wine at some of the Buschenschänken nearby.

Dinner at a Buschenschank.
Of course, we finished just some of the tasks from our taskstorm list. The remaining tasks will be a good start for reviewing the activities until next year's Buschenschanlsprint. I'm looking forward for the next workful workbreak at the Buschenschanlsprint 2013!

Our taskstorm list. Green arrows and circles mark completed tasks.
In order of participated days:
- Johannes Raggam (thet)
- Georg Bernhard (Gogo)
- Jens Klein (yenzenz)
- Robert Niederreiter (rnix)
- Roland Fasching (faro76)
- Dorian Santner (dorianux)
- Jure Cerjak (ibi)
One day visitors:
- Michael Haubenwallner (d2m)
- Florian Apolloner (apollo13)