BDA goes GSOC 2011

Plone Foundation happily got five slots for Google Summer of Code 2011 projects. Two of the committed proposals refered to software related to the BlueDynamics Alliance.
Dexterity type modelling and generation
First the ArchGenXML successor, a complete rewrite called AGX, was proposed to get extended to generate Dexterity content-types. Proposing student for this project is Pranshu Saxena, third year student of Computer Science at Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani, India. Mentor is Robert Niederreiter from Austria, main contributor of the new AGX stack. Co-mentor Jens Klein is long term contributor to both, ArchGenXML and AGX, supporting this project with deep knowledge in UML. Phil Auersperg, original author of ArchGenXML, known for his "lazy-programming" aproaches, will help to develop KISS-style and usable model-profiles and testing.
Stanbol Semantic Enhancement Engine
Second proposal deals with semantic web, using the Apache Stanbol stack of the IKS project where BlueDynamics Alliance acts as Early Adopter for FISE-Plone Integration and is involved in the project as community partner. Proposing student is Yannis Mazzer, fourth year student in the computer science department of the University Claude Bernard of Lyon in France. Mentor is Jens Klein, involved in IKS from pre-alpha release of FISE, the sementic enhancement engine. He participated in three IKS community workshops.
Proud to support Plone
In our long tradition of participating in the Plone Community and contributing to OpenSource we thanks Google to advance young software engineers. Thumbs up on the Plone Community for it's huge engagement in always bringing Plone towards the next level.